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Magazine References

May – Jun 2024

Pg 6-7 Telomeres could be the answer to living longer

  1. Ferruci L et al (2018), Inflammageing: Chronic inflammation in ageing, cardiovascular disease and frailty, Nat Rev Cardiol., 15(9): 505-522.
  2. Gouchus Zheng et al (2019), Effect of aerobic exercise on inflammatory markers in healthy middle aged older adults, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11: 98.
  3. Cabanas-Sanchez V et al (2018), Physical activity, sitting time and mortality from inflammatory diseases in older adults, Frontiers in Physiology, 9: 898.
  4. Philips C et al (2017), Does replacing sedentary behaviour with light or moderate to vigorous physical activity modulate inflammatory status in adults, International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14: 138.
  5. Cerqueira E et al (2020), The inflammatory effects of high and moderate intensity exercise: A systemic review, Frontiers in Physiology, 10: 1,550.

P8 Food for thought

  1. Firth J (2020), Food and Mood: How do diet and nutrition affect mental wellbeing? BMJ, 369.
  2. Zepf F et al (2015), Food and your mood: nutritional psychiatry, Lancet Psychiatry, 2(7): 19.
  3. Giles G (2018), Sugar intake and expectation effects on cognition and mood, Exp Clin
    Psychopharmacol., 26(3): 302-309.
  4. Hulsken S et al (2013), Food derived serotonergic modulators: Effect on mood and cognition,
    Nutrition Research Reviews, 26: 223-23.
  5. Arab A (2019), The association between diet and mood: A systematic review of current
    literature, Psychiatry Res., 428-437.
  6. BDA Food and Mood Factsheet, accessed at
    on 25 April 2024.
  7. Berding K et al (2021), Diet and the microbiota – gut-brain axis: Sowing the seeds of good
    mental health, Adv Nutr., 30, 12(4): 1,239-1,285.
  8. Gómez-Pinilla F (2008), Brain foods: The effects of nutrients on brain function, Nature
    reviews, Neuroscience, 9(7): 568-578.
  9. Fusar-Poli (2020), What is good mental health? A scoping review, Eur
    Neuropsychopharmacol., 31: 33-46.
  10. Alzheimer’s Society statistics:
    , accessed on 25 April 2024.
  11. Puri et al (2023), Nutrition and cognitive health: A life course approach, Front Public Health,
    11: 1023907.
  12. Henderson V (2010), Actions of estrogens in the aging brain: Dementia and cognitive aging,
    Biochim Biophys Acta. 1800(10): 1,077-83.
  13. Sochocka et al (2023), Cognitive Decline in Early and Premature Menopause, Biochim
    Biophys Acta., 1,800(10): 1,077-83.
  14. Sarris J, Logan AC, Akbaraly TN, Amminger GP, Balanzá-Martínez V, Freeman MP, Hibbeln J,
    Matsuoka Y, Mischoulon D, Mizoue T, Nanri A, Nishi D, Ramsey D, Rucklidge JJ, Sanchez-
    Villegas A, Scholey A, Su KP, Jacka FN & International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research (2015), Nutritional medicine as mainstream in psychiatry, The Lancet. Psychiatry, 2(3): 271-274.
  15. Agarwal P et al (2023), Association of Mediterranean- DASH intervention for
    neurodegenerative delay and Mediterranean diets with Alzheimer disease pathology,
    Neurology, 10: 121.
  16. Melzer T et al (2021), In pursuit of healthy aging: Effects of nutrition on brain function, Int J
    Mol Sci., 10, 22(9): 5,026.
  17. Jernerén F, Elshorbagy AK, Oulhaj A, Smith SM, Refsum H, Smith AD (2015), Brain atrophy in
    cognitively impaired elderly: the importance of long-chain ω-3 fatty acids and B vitamin
    status in a randomized controlled trial, Am J Clin Nutr., 102(1): 215-21.
  18. Ojo A et al (2008), Protein and brain health. Exploring the connection between nutrition and
    cognitive function, Nat Rev Neurosci., 9(7): 568-578.
  19. Pross N (2017), Effects of dehydration on brain functioning: A life-span perspective, Ann Nutr
    Metab., Supll 1: 30-36.
  20. Baranowski B et al (2020), Healthy brain, healthy life: A review of diet and exercise
    interventions to promote brain health and reduce Alzheimer’s disease risk, Appl Physiol Nutr
    Metab., 45(10): 1,055-1,065.
  21. Lewis et al (2021), The interconnected causes and consequences of sleep in the brain,
    Science, 374(6,567): 564-568.

Pp 12-15 Preventing injuries during functional training workouts

  1. Klimek C, Ashbeck C, Brook A, and Durall C (2017), Are Injuries More Common With CrossFit Training Than Other Forms of Exercise? Journal of Sports Rehabilitation, 2: 1-17.
  2. Sprey J, Ferreira T, De Lima M, Duarte A, Jorge P, and Santilit C (2016), An Epidemiological
    Profile of CrossFit Athletes in Brazil, Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 30(4):8.
  3. Price J, Bratcher M (2019), The BioMechanics Method Corrective Exercise Specialist
    Certification Program, 2 nd Edition, San Diego: The BioMechanics Press.
  4. Hak P, Hodzovic E, Hickey B (2013), The Nature and Prevalence of Injury During Crossfit
    Training, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, November 22.
  5. Mitchell C, Adebajo A, Hay E, and Carr A (2005), Shoulder pain: diagnosis and management
    in primary care, British Medical Journal, 331(7,525): 1,124-1,128.
  6. Weisenthal B, Beck C, and Maloney M (2014), Injury Rate and Patterns Among CrossFit
    Athletes, Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 2(4).
  7. Gajdosik R, Simpson R, Smith R, and DonTigny RL (1985), Pelvic Tilt Intratester Reliability of
    Measuring the Standing Position and Range of Motion, Physical Therapy, 65(2): 169-174.
  8. Kendall F, McCreary E, and Provance P (2005), Muscles: Testing and Function with Posture
    and Pain (5th ed), Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
  9. Cook G (2010), Movement: Functional Movement Systems, on target publications: Santa
    Cruz: California.
  10. Inkster K (2015), 50 foam roller exercises for massage, injury prevention and core strength,
    New York: Skyhorse Publishing.
  11. Price J (2013), The Amazing Tennis Ball Back Pain Cure, San Diego, CA: The BioMechanics

P22-23 parkrun: Empowering health and wellbeing

  1. parkrun website:, accessed 25 April 2024.
  2. Morris P & Scott H (2019), Not just a run in the park: A qualitative exploration of parkrun and
    mental health, Advances in Mental Health, 17(2): 110-123. DOI:
  3. Stevinson C & Hickson M (2014), Exploring the public health potential of a mass community
    participation event, Journal of Public Health, 36(2): 268-274. DOI:10.1093/pubmed/fdt082
  4. Sharman MJ, Nash M, Cleland V (2019), Health and broader community benefit of parkrun-
    An exploratory qualitative study, Health Promot J Austr., 30(2): 163-171. DOI: