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Magazine References

Mar – Apr 2024

Pg 6-7 Telomeres could be the answer to living longer

  1. Shammas MA (2011), Telomeres, lifestyle, cancer and ageing, Curr Opin Nutr Metab Care, 14(1): 28-34.
  2. Shay J, Wright WE (2019), Telomeres and telomerase: Three decades of progress, Nat. Rev.
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  3. Hermann et al (2018), Telomere biology and age-related diseases, Clin. Chem. Lab. Med., 56:
  4. Shin et al (2006), The role of telomeres and telomerase in the pathology of human cancer
    and ageing, Pathology, 38: 103-113.
  5. Valdes et al (2005), Obesity, cigarette smoking and telomere length in women, Lancet, 366:

    Pg 8-11 Resilient as fudge: The sweet recipe of mindset, skillset, and toolset for
    fitness professionals

    1. Rivoallan G (2023), Resilient as Fudge, Book Brilliance Publishing.
    2. Smith BW (2017), Resilience: How to Navigate Life’s Curves, Springer.
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    6. Smith BW (2017), Resilience: How to Navigate Life’s Curves, Springer.
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    8. Johnson U, Ekengren J, Andersen MB (2019), A Method for Increasing Well-Being in Elite Sports:
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    9. Fredrickson BL (2001), The role of positive emotions in positive psychology. The broaden-and-
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    10. Fletcher D, Sarkar M (2016), A grounded theory of psychological resilience in Olympic champions,
      Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 23: 243-260.
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      stressful life events, Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 18(4): 344-353.
    12. Reivich K, Shatte A (2002), The Resilience Factor: 7 Essential Skills for Overcoming Life’s Inevitable
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    13. Deep G (2023), The power of resilience and flexibility in business leadership: Adapting to change,
      Magna Scientia Advanced Research and Reviews, 09(02): 086-091.
    14. Hanton S, Fletcher D, Coughlan G (2018), Stress in elite sport performers: A comparative study of
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    15. Bakker AB, Demerouti E, Euwema MC (2014), Job resources buffer the impact of job demands on
      burnout, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 9(4): 322-335.

    Pg 12-15 All about protein

    1. British Dietetic Association. One blue dot. Protein – a practical guide for dietitians. Accessed on 12 March 2024:
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    3. Pinckaers P et al (2020), The anabolic response to plant based protein ingestion, Sports Med
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    4. Phillips S et al (2012), Dietary protein requirements and adaptive advantages in athletes, Br J
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    7. Yusuke N et al (2023), Dietary protein requirements and recommendations for healthy older
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    13. Kitada M et al (2019), The impact of dietary protein intake on longevity and metabolic
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    14. Mercer D et al (2023), Protein requirements of pre-menopausal female athletes: A
      systematic literature review, Nutrients, 16:12 (11): 3,527.

    Pg 20-22 Let’s take this outside – Bootcamp training and car tyres

    1. Wicks C (2022), Psychological benefits of outdoor physical activity in natural versus urban environments: A systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental studies. Accessed on12 March 2024:
    2. White MP (2019), 120 minutes outdoors. Accessed on 12 March 2024:
    3. (2021), The impact of coronavirus pandemic on walking and cycling statistics, England: 2020 Accessed on 12 March 2024:
    4. Comparison of vitamin D sufficiency between indoor and outdoor elite male athletes. Accessed
      on 12 March 2024:
    5. The effect of aerobic physical activity in adrenaline level. Accessed on 12 March 2024:

    Pg 24-26 The Client Experience

    1. 1.  Trout J, To occupy a space in the clients’ mind, beyond the primacy of the product – Differentiate
    2. or Die.
    3. Csikszentmihalyi M, FLOW State – Flow.

    Pg 32-35 The Science of Movement Correction

    1. Beardsley C, Contreras B (2014), The functional movement screen: A review, Strength & Conditioning Journal, 36(5): 72-80.
    2. Cushion E, Howe L, Read P, Spence A (2017), A process for error correction for strength and
      conditioning coaches, Strength & Conditioning Journal, 39(6): 84-92.
    3. Kal E, Prosée R, Winters M, Van Der Kamp J (2018), Does implicit motor learning lead to
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      review, PloS one, 13(9): e0203591.
    4. MacMahon K, Masters RS (2002), The effects of secondary tasks on implicit motor skill
      performance, International Journal of Sport Psychology.
    5. Aiken CA, Becker KA (2023), Utilising an internal focus of attention during preparation and
      an external focus during execution may facilitate motor learning, European Journal of Sport
      Science, 23(2): 259-66.n; 147(6): 618.
    6. van Duijn T, Crocket H, Masters RS (2020), The role of instruction preference in analogy
      learning: Brain activity and motor performance, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 47:
    7. Benz A, Winkelman N, Porter J, Nimphius S (2016), Coaching instructions and cues for
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    9. Wood MA, Mellalieu SD, Araújo D, Woods CT, Davids K (2023), Learning to coach: An
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