Magazine References
Jan – Feb 2023
Pp 6-7 Cross-body talk: The brain’s effect on the body during exercise
- Krogh-Severinsen C, Klarlund-Pedersen B (2020), Muscle-organ cross talk: The emerging roles of myokines, Endocr Rev., 41(4): 594-609 doi: 10.1210/endrev/bnaa016.
- Winiarz E (2019), Endorphins, endocannabinoids and runner’s high, The Science Journal of the Lander College of Arts and Sciences, 13(1).
Further Reading
- Yang T et al (2020), The role of BDNF on neural plasticity in depression, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience,14: 82.
- Delezie J, Handschin C (2018), Endocrine crosstalk between skeletal muscle and the brain, Frontiers in Neurology, 9: 698.
- Kim S et al (2019), Roles of myokines in exercise-induced improvement of neuropsychiatric function, European Journal of Physiology, 471: 491-505.
Pp 8-11 Men vs women: Nutrition
- Cowley et al (2021) “Invisible Sportswomen”: The Sex Data Gap in Sport and Exercise Science Research, Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 29(2): 1-6.
- Holtzman B & Ackerman K (2021), Recommendations and nutritional considerations for female athletes: Health and performance, Sports Medicine.
- Tarnopolsky MA (2003), Females and males: should nutritional recommendations be gender specific?
- Helm et al (2021), Impact of nutrition-based interventions on athletic performance during menstrual cycle phases: a review, Int Environ Res Public Health, 18(12): 6,294.
- Leblanc et al (2015), Differences between men and women in dietary intakes and metabolic profile in response to a 12-week nutritional intervention promoting the Mediterranean diet, Journal of Nutritional Science.
- Gould L et al (2022), Metabolic effects of menopause: a cross-sectional characterization of body composition and exercise metabolism, Menopause, 29(4): 377-89.
- Morehen J et al (2022), Energy expenditure of Female International Standard Soccer Players: A doubly Labelled Water Investigation, Med Sci Sports Exerc., 54(5): 769-79.
- Slater et al (2016), Female Recreational Exercisers at risk for low energy availability, J Sport Nut Exerc Metab., 26(5): 421-27.
- Ackerman et al (2019), Low energy availability surrogates correlate with health and performance consequences of Relative Energy Deficiency, Sport. Br J Sports Med, 53(10): 628-33.
- McKay et al (2022), Six days of Low carbohydrate, low energy availability alters the iron and immune response to exercise in elite athletes, Med Sci Sports Exercise, 54(3): 377-87.
- Roepstorff C, Steffensen CH, Madsen M et al (2002), Gender differences in substrate utilization during submaximal exercise in endurance-trained subjects, Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 282(2): E435-47.
- Hausswirth C. and Le Murr Y (2011), Physiological and nutritional aspects of post-exercise recovery: Specific recommendations for female athletes, Sports Med., 41(10): 861-82.
- Tarnopolsky MA (2008), Sex differences in exercise metabolism and the role of 17-beta estradiol, Med Sci Sports Exerc., 40(4): 648-54.
- Bakija et al (2021), The impact of type of dietary protein, animal versus vegetable in modifying cardiometabolic risk factors: a position paper from International Lipid expert Panel (ILEP), Clinical Nutrition, 40: 255-76.
Pp 12-13 The art of teaching mixed-level classes
- PowerPoint Presentation (, accessed 1 November 2022.
Pp 14-17: Circuit training: Debunking the myths
- Falk Neto JH, Kennedy MD (2019), The multimodal nature of high-intensity functional training: Potential applications to improve sport performance, Sports, 7(2): 33.
- Klika B, Jordan C (2013), High-intensity circuit training using body weight: Maximum results with minimal investment, ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, 17(3): 8-13.
- Clayton BC, Tinius RA, Winchester LJ, Menke BR, Reece MC, Maples JM (2019), Physiological and perceptual responses to high-intensity circuit training using body weight as resistance: Are there sex-specific differences?, International Journal of Exercise Science, 12(4): 245.
- Heinrich KM, Patel PM, O’Neal JL, Heinrich BS (2014), High-intensity compared to moderate-intensity training for exercise initiation, enjoyment, adherence, and intentions: an intervention study, BMC Public Health, 14(1): 1-6.
- Fisher J, Sales A, Carlson L, Steele J (2017), A comparison of the motivational factors between CrossFit participants and other resistance exercise modalities: a pilot study, J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 57(9): 1,227-34.
- Feito Y, Heinrich KM, Butcher SJ, Poston WS (2018), High-intensity functional training (HIFT): Definition and research implications for improved fitness, Sports, 6(3): 76.
- Haddock CK, Poston WS, Heinrich KM, Jahnke SA, Jitnarin N (2016), The benefits of high-intensity functional training fitness programs for military personnel, Military Medicine, 181(11-12): e1508-14.
- Cosgrove SJ, Crawford DA, Heinrich KM (2019), Multiple fitness improvements found after 6-months of high intensity functional training, Sports, 7(9): 203.
- Brisebois MF, Rigby BR, Nichols DL (2018), Physiological and fitness adaptations after eight weeks of high-intensity functional training in physically inactive adults, Sports, 6(4): 146.
- Menz V, Marterer N, Amin SB, Faulhaber M, Hansen AB, Lawley JS (2019), Functional vs. Running low-volume high-intensity interval training: Effects on vo2max and muscular endurance, Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 18(3): 497.
- Lu Y, Wiltshire HD, Baker JS, Wang Q (2021), The effects of running compared with functional high-intensity interval training on body composition and aerobic fitness in female university students, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21): 11,312.
- Crawford DA, Drake NB, Carper MJ, DeBlauw J, Heinrich KM (2018), Are changes in physical work capacity induced by high-intensity functional training related to changes in associated physiologic measures?, Sports, 6(2): 26.
- Rivas-Campo Y, García-Garro PA, Aibar-Almazán A, Martínez-Amat A, Vega-Ávila GC, Afanador-Restrepo DF, León-Morillas F, Hita-Contreras F (2022), The effects of high-intensity functional training on cognition in older adults with cognitive impairment: a systematic review. In Healthcare, 10(4): 670. MDPI.
- Baxter SC. The effects of a 20-week HIFT circuit on cardiorespiratory fitness, functional fitness, muscle strength and body composition in recreationally active breast cancer survivors (Doctoral dissertation, University of Otago).
- Kraemer WJ, Newton RU (2000), Training for muscular power, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, 11(2): 341-68.
- Peterson MD, Rhea MR, Alvar BA (2005), Applications of the dose-response for muscular strength development: a review of meta-analytic efficacy and reliability for designing training prescription, The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 19(4): 950-8.
- Jeffreys I, Moody J, editors (2021), Strength and Conditioning for Sports Performance, Routledge.
- Suchomel TJ, Nimphius S, Stone MH (2016), The importance of muscular strength in athletic performance, Sports Medicine, 46(10): 1,419-49.
- Haff GG and Triplett NT eds. (2015), Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, 4th edition, Human Kinetics.
- Dominguez R, Maté-Muñoz JL, Serra-Paya N and Garnacho-Castaño MV (2018), Lactate threshold as a measure of aerobic metabolism in resistance exercise, International Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(03): 163-172.
Pp 18-21 Training high: Scaling the heights of altitude training
- Ho JY, Kuo TY, Liu KL, Dong XY & Tung K (2014), Combining normobaric hypoxia with short-term resistance training has no additive beneficial effect on muscular performance and body composition, The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 28(4): 935-941.
2. Ramos-Campo DJ, Scott B, Alcaraz PE, Rubio-Arias JA (2018), The efficacy of resistance training in hypoxia to enhance strength and muscle growth: a systematic review and meta-analysis, European Journal of Sport Science, 18(1), 92-103.
3. Pedlar C, Whyte G, Kreindler J, Hardman S & Levine B (2011), The BASES Expert statement on Human Performance in hypoxia Inducing Environments: Natural and Simulated Altitude. BASES expert statement.
4. WADA WORLD ANTI-DOPING CODE International standard prohibited list 2023, October 2022,, accessed 6 December 2022.
5. Okazaki K, Stray-Gundersen J, Chapman RF, Levine BD (2019), Iron insufficiency diminishes the erythropoietic response to moderate altitude exposure, Journal of Applied Physiology, 127(6): 1,569-78.
6. Jung WS, Kim SW, Kim JW, Park HY (2021), Resistance Training in Hypoxia as a New Therapeutic Modality for Sarcopenia-A Narrative Review, Life (Basel), 11(2): 106. doi: 10.3390/life11020106. PMID: 33573198; PMCID: PMC7912455
7. Sperlich B, Achtzehn S, de Marées M, von Papen H, Mester J (2016), Load management in elite German distance runners during 3-weeks of high-altitude training, Physiol Rep., 4(12): e12845. doi: 10.14814/phy2.12845. PMID: 27356568; PMCID: PMC4926021.
8. Mujika I, Sharma AP, Stellingwerff T (2019), Contemporary periodization of altitude training for elite endurance athletes: a narrative review, Sports Medicine, 49(11): 1,651-69.
9. Subudhi AW, Bourdillon N, Bucher J, Davis C, Elliott JE, Eutermoster M et al (2014), AltitudeOmics: the integrative physiology of human acclimatization to hypobaric hypoxia and its retention upon reascent, PLoS One, 9(3): e92191.
Pp 26-29 The need for strength and power training within endurance running
- Scheerder J, Breedveld K, Borgers J (2015), Who is doing a run with the running boom?, Running across Europe (pp. 1-27), Palgrave Macmillan, London.
- Lee DC, Pate RR, Lavie CJ, Sui X, Church TS, Blair SN (2014), Leisure-time running reduces all-cause and cardiovascular mortality risk, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 64(5): 472-81.
- Chakravarty EF, Hubert HB, Lingala VB, Fries JF (2008), Reduced disability and mortality among aging runners: a 21-year longitudinal study, Archives of Internal Medicine, 168(15): 1,638-46.
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- Schnohr P, Marott JL, Lange P, Jensen GB (2013), Longevity in male and female joggers: the Copenhagen City Heart Study, American Journal of Epidemiology, 177(7): 683-9.
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Pp 30-34 Muscle clocks
- Murphy BA et al (2014), Exercise influences circadian gene expression in equine skeletal muscle, Veterinary Journal,201(1): 39-45. doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2014.03.028.
- Mayeuf-Louchart A, Staels B & Duez H (2015), Skeletal muscle functions around the clock, Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism,17(1, Suppl.): 39-46. doi:10.1111/dom.12517.
- Tanaka Y et al (2020), Effect of a single bout of exercise on clock gene expression in human leukocyte, Journal of Applied Physiology, 128(4): 847-54.
- Wolff G & Esser KA (2012), Scheduled exercise phase shifts the circadian clock in skeletal muscle, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise,44(9): 1,663-70. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e318255cf4c
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- Chaix A & Panda S (2019), Timing tweaks exercise, Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 15(8): 440-41.
- Gabriel BM & Zierath JR (2019), Circadian rhythms and exercise – re-setting the clock in metabolic disease, Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 15(4): 197-206.
- Sato S et al, Time of exercise specifies the impact on muscle metabolic pathways and systemic energy homeostasis, Cell Metabolism, 30(1): 92-110. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2019.03.013.
- Ashmore A (2020), Timing Resistance Training: Programming the Muscle Clock for Optimal Performance, Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.