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Magazine References

Jan – Feb 2022

Pg 6-8 Fitness could start in the home

  1. Active Lives Adult Survey, May 2020/21 Report. Published October 2021.
  2. Brown W et al (2012), Occupational and household activities are important for energy expenditure, but sport and recreation remain the best buy for public health, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2011-090992
  3. Jitnarin N et al (2011), Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Thai population: Results of the National Thai Food Consumption Survey, Eat Weight Disord., 16(4): 242-249.
  4. Zheng W et al (2005), The Shanghai Women’s Health Study: rationale, study design, and baseline characteristics, Am J Epidemiol, 162(11): 1,123-31.
  5. 1.      Padmaja R et al (2019), Understanding nutritional outcomes through gendered analysis of time-use patterns in semi-arid India Global Food Security, 23: 49-63.
  6. Batman and Markham, METex: Converting Heart Rates to Metabolic Equivalents. In Press

Pg 14-15 How to support a healthy immune system through your gut

  1. Rooks et al (2016), Gut microbiota, metabolites and host immunity, Nat Rev Immunol., 16(6): 341-52.
  2. Levy et al (2017), Dysbiosis and the immune system, Cell, 17(4): 219-32.
  3. Wastyk et al (2021), Gut-microbiota-targeted diets modulate human immune status, Cell, 184(16): 4,137-53.e14.
  4. Makki et al (2018), The impact of dietary fiber on gut microbiota in host health and disease, Cell Host Microbe, 13: 23.
  5. Zmora et al (2017), You are what you eat: diet, health and the gut microbiota, Nat Rev Gastoenterol Hepatol.,16.
  6. Singh R (2017), Influence of diet on the gut microbiome and implications for human health, J Transl Med., 73.
  7. Shen T (2017), Diet and gut microbiota in health and disease, Nestle Nut Inst Workshop Ser., 88: 117-26.
  8. Ma N et al, Contributions of the interaction between dietary protein and gut microbiota to intestinal health, Curr Protein Pept Sci., 795-808.

Pg 18-20 Get your clients snow fit

  1. Koller et al (2015), Decrease in eccentric quadriceps and hamstring strength in recreational alpine skiers after prolonged skiing,, accessed 2 November 2021.
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  3. Aagaard et al (1998), Tourny-Chollet & Leroy (2002), H: Q ratios in open versus closed kinetic chain: what is the relevance for alpine ski racers?, accessed 2 November 2021. 

Pg 22-25 The not-so-special populations

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  14. Kanamori S <itals>et al</itals> (2016), ‘Exercising alone versus with others and associations with subjective health status in older Japanese: The JAGES Cohort Study,’ Scientific reports, 6: 39151, doi:10.1038/srep39151
  15. American College of Sports Medicine, Physical activity guidelines,, accessed on 16 November 2021.
  16. Sport England Evaluation Framework,  (update due December 2021), accessed on 16 November 2021.
  17. Exercise Referral Toolkit

Pg 26-27 Access all areas: How inclusive is your fitness facility?

  1. http-s://, accessed on 26 October 2021.

Pg 32-35 Medicine ball training: An under-utilised tool for developing explosive strength

  1. Suchomel TJ, Nimphius S, Stone MH (2016), The importance of muscular strength in athletic performance, Sports Medicine, 46(10): 1 419-49.
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