Magazine References
Jul – Aug 2021
Pg 6-7: Pivoting fitness to a healthcare option
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- Bull FG et al (2020), World Health Organization 2020 guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour, Br J Sports Med., 54: 1,451-62.
Pg 8-10 Yoga: A simple regeneration activity or a deeper practice?
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Pg 31-33 Managing the menopause
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Pg 32-33 Movement in sport: Improving co-ordination with ViPR
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- Bosch F, Klomp R (2001), Running Biomechanics and Exercise Physiology Applied in Practice, Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 349-350.
Pg 28-31 How to use movement screens to plan training
- Monaco JT, Schoenfeld BJ (2019), A review of the current literature on the utility of the functional movement screen as a screening tool to identify athletes’ risk for injury, Strength & Conditioning Journal, Oct 1; 41(5): 17-23.
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