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Magazine References

Jul – Aug 2021

Pg 6-7: Pivoting fitness to a healthcare option

  1. Owen N et al (2020), Sedentary behavior and public health: Integrating the evidence and Identifying potential solutions, Annu Rev Public Health, 2, 41: 265-287.
  2. Nuffield Health, T he new health pandemic: over 7 in 10 Britons aren’t exercising enough, a quarter of over 55s have done no exercise AT ALL since COVID-19 hit and 41% say mental health is worse:, accessed on 17 June 2021.
  3. Fulmer et al (2021), Actualizing better health and health care for older adults, Health Affairs, 40: 2.
  4. Hamilton M et al (2004), Exercise physiology versus inactivity physiology: An essential concept for understanding lipoprotein lipase regulation, Exer Sport Sci Rev., 32(4): 161-166.
  5. Bull FG et al (2020), World Health Organization 2020 guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour, Br J Sports Med., 54: 1,451-62.

Pg 8-10 Yoga: A simple regeneration activity or a deeper practice?

  1., accessed on 27 May 2021.
  2., accessed on 27 May 2021.
  3., accessed on 27 May 2021.
  4., accessed on 27 May 2021.
  5., accessed on 27 May 2021.
  6., accessed on 27 May 2021.
  7. Sri Swami Satchidananda (2012), The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Chapter 2, Sutra 46.

Pg 31-33 Managing the menopause

  1. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2019), Menopausal Symptoms and Complementary Health Practices [online], available from, accessed on 17 June 2021.
  2. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2015), Menopause: diagnosis and management (NG23), plus (2017) Menopause (QS143).
  3. Moslehi N et al (2017), Current evidence on association of nutritional factors with ovarian reserve and timing of menopause: a systematic review, Adv Nutr., 597-612.
  4. Johnson et al (2019), Complementary and alternative medicine for menopause, J Evid Based Integr Med.
  5. Hazel A (2019), Hot flashes. A review of the literature on alternative and complementary treatment approaches, J Evid Based Integr. Med., 24: 2515690.
  6. Bedell S, Nachtigall M, Naftolin F (2014), The pros and cons of plant estrogens for menopause, J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol., 139: 225-36. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2012.12.004
  7. British Dietetic Association, Menopause Food Facts.
  8. Franco OH et al (2016), Use of plant-based therapies and menopausal symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis, JAMA 315: 2554-2563, Crawford AL et al (2013), The impact of dose, frequency of administration, and equal production on efficacy of isoflavones for menopausal hot flashes: a pilot randomized trial, Menopause, 20: 911-921.
  9. Chen M et al (2015), Efficacy of phytoestrogens for menopausal symptoms: a meta-analysis and systematic review, Climacteric, 18(2): 260-9.
  10. Parikh M (2019), Dietary flaxseed as a strategy for improving human health, Nutrients, 25; 11(5): 1,171.
  11. Meng Q et al (2021), The gut microbiota during the progression of atherosclerosis in the perimenopausal period shoes specific compositional changes and significant correlations with circulating lipid metabolites, 13 (1-27).

Pg 32-33 Movement in sport: Improving co-ordination with ViPR

  1. Wulf G, Shea CH, Understanding the role of augmented feedback, the good, the bad and the ugly. In: Williams AM, Hodges NJ (Eds) (2004), Skill Acquisition in Sport, Research, Theory and Practice, New York: Routledge, 212-245.
  2. Bosch F (2020), Anatomy of Agility Movement Analysis in Sport, Publishers (Rotterdam, the Netherlands).
  3. Hommel B, Müsseler J, Aschersleben G, Prinz W (2001), The Theory of Event Coding (TEC): A framework for perception and action planning, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24: 849-937.
  4. Bosch F, Klomp R (2001), Running Biomechanics and Exercise Physiology Applied in Practice, Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 349-350.

Pg 28-31 How to use movement screens to plan training

  1. Monaco JT, Schoenfeld BJ (2019), A review of the current literature on the utility of the functional movement screen as a screening tool to identify athletes’ risk for injury, Strength & Conditioning Journal, Oct 1; 41(5): 17-23.
  2. McKeown I, Taylor�McKeown K, Woods C, Ball N (2014), Athletic ability assessment: a movement assessment protocol for athletes, International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 9(7): 862.
  3. Myer GD, Ford KR, Hewett TE (2008), Tuck jump assessment for reducing anterior cruciate ligament injury risk, Athletic Therapy Today: The Journal for Sports Health Care Professionals, Sep 1; 13(5): 39.
  4. Bishop C, Read P, Chavda S, Turner A (2016), Asymmetries of the lower limb: the calculation conundrum in strength training and conditioning, Strength & Conditioning Journal, Dec 1; 38(6): 27-32.