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Magazine References

Sep – Oct 2020

Pg 6-7. You can’t out-train a sedentary lifestyle

  1. Kirchengast S (2014), Physical inactivity from the viewpoint of evolutionary medicine, Sports2(2): 34-50, 
  2. Guthold R, Stevens GA, Riley LM, Bull FC (2018), Worldwide trends in insufficient physical activity from 2001 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 358 population-based surveys with 1·9 million participants, 
  3. Blair SN (2009), Physical inactivity: the biggest public health problem of the 21st century, Br J Sports Med., 43(1). 
  4. Hamilton MT, Hamilton DG, Zderic TW (2004), Exercise physiology versus inactivity physiology: an essential concept for understanding lipoprotein lipase regulation, Exerc Sport Sci Rev., 32(4): 161-166. 
  5. Tremblay MS, Colley RC, Saunders TV, Healy GN, Owen N (2010), Physiological and health implications of a sedentary lifestyle, Physiol. Nutr. Metab., 35: 725-740. 

Pg 13-15 Warming up in a strength and conditioning context, part one

  1. McGowan CJ, Pyne DB, Thompson KG, Rattray B (2015), Warm-up strategies for sport and exercise: mechanisms and applications, Sports medicine, 45(11): 1,523-46.
  2. Fradkin AJ, Gabbe BJ, Cameron PA (2006), Does warming up prevent injury in sport?: The evidence from randomised controlled trials, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 9(3): 214-20.
  3. Kilduff LP, Finn CV, Baker JS, Cook CJ, West DJ (2013) Preconditioning strategies to enhance physical performance on the day of competition, International journal of sports physiology and performance, 8(6): 677-81.
  4. Jeffreys I (2019), The warm-up: a behavioral solution to the challenge of initiating a long-term athlete development program, Strength & Conditioning Journal, 41(2): 52-6.
  5. Jeffreys I (2017), RAMP warm-ups: more than simply short-term preparation, Prof Strength Cond., 44: 17-23.
  6. Jeffreys I (2006), Warm up revisited – the ‘ramp’ method of optimising performance preparation, UKSCA Journal, 6: 15-9.
  7. Verkhoshansky Y, Siff MC (2009), Supertraining, Verkhoshansky SSTM.
  8. Edwards DA, Kurlander LS (2010), Women’s intercollegiate volleyball and tennis: Effects of warm-up, competition, and practice on saliva levels of cortisol and testosterone, Hormones and Behavior, 58(4): 606-13.
  9. Silvers-Granelli HJ, Bizzini M, Arundale A, Mandelbaum BR, Snyder-Mackler L (2017), Does the FIFA 11+ injury prevention program reduce the incidence of ACL injury in male soccer players?, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®, 475(10): 2,447-55. 

Pg 16 – 19 Adding spice to a healthier life

  1. Jiang T (2019), Health benefits of culinary herbs and spices, J AOAC Int., 1:102(2): 395-411.
  2. Top dried and fresh herbs and spices for antioxidants,Eating Well on 30 June 2020.
  3. Fresno R (2019), Herbs and spices – biomarkers of intake based on human intervention studies – a systematic review, Genes Nutr., doi: 1186/s12263-019-0636-8
  4. Opara E (2014), Culinary herbs and spices: their bioactive properties, the contribution of polyphenols and the challenges in deducing their true health benefits, Int J Mol Sci., doi: 3390/ijms151019183
  5. Chemicals in meat cooked at high temperatures and cancer risk, National Cancer Institute website,, accessed on 30 June 2020.
  6. Bower et al. (2016), The health benefits of selected culinary herbs and spices found in the traditional Mediterranean diet, Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 9(56).
  7. Queralt A (2014), A comprehensive study on the phenolic profile of widely used culinary herbs and spices: rosemary, thyme, oregano, cinnamon, cumin and bay, Food Chem., 1(154): 299-307.
  8. Perry (2018), A randomised double blind placebo controlled pilot trial of a combined extract of sage, rosemary and Melisa. Traditional herbal medicines, on the enhancement of memory in normal healthy subjects, including influence of age, Phytomedicine, 15(39): 42-48.
  9. Massee L (2015), The acute and sub-chronic effects of cocoa flavonols on mood, cognitive and cardiovascular health in young healthy adults. A randomized controlled trial, Front Pharmacol.,
  10. Yashin et al. (2017), Antioxidant activity of spices and their impact on human health: a review, Antioxidants, 6: 70.
  11. Mani et al. (2011), Reversal of memory deficits by Coriandrum sativum leaves in mice, Sci Food Agric., 91: 186-92.
  12. Sharp G (2005), Relationship of hepatocellular carcinoma to soya food consumption. A cohort-based case control study in Japan, International J of Cancer, 10:115(2): 290-5.

Pg 20-21 The evolution of outdoor training – Obstacle course racing

  1. Ayles J (2019), Spartan Race Targets Further Global Expansion and Olympic Recognition, 
  2. Anderson J (2019), The State of Running, (RunRepeat and the IAAF),

Pg 22-25 Programme design for maximal hypertrophy

  1. MacIntosh, BR. Recent developments in understanding the length dependence of contractile response of skeletal muscle. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 117: 1059-1071, 2017.
  2. Antonio, J. Nonuniform response of skeletal muscle to heavy resistance training: can bodybuilders induce regional muscle hypertrophy. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 14: 102-113, 2000.
  3. Contreras, B, Cronin, J, Schoenfeld, BJ, Nates, R, and Sonmez, GT. Are all hip extension exercises created equal? Strength Cond J 35: 17-22, 2013.
  4. Wulf, G. Attentional focus and motor learning: a review of 15 years. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 6: 77-104, 2013.
  5. Marchant, DC, Greig, M, and Scott, C. Attentional focusing instructions influence force production and muscular activity during isokinetic elbow flexions. J. Strength Cond Res. 23: 2358-2366, 2009.
  6. Snyder, BJ, and Leech, JR. Voluntary increase in latissimus dorsi muscle activity during the lat pull-down following expert instruction. J. Strength Cond Res. 23: 2204-2209, 2009.
  7. Snyder, BJ, and Fry, WR. Effect of verbal instruction on muscle activity during the bench press exercise. J. Strength Cond Res. 26: 2394-2400, 2012.
  8. Bressel, E, Willardson, JM, Thompson, B, and Fontana, FE. Effect of instruction, surface stability, and load intensity on trunk muscle activity. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 19: e500-4, 2009.
  9. Critchley, D. Instructing pelvic floor contraction facilitates transversus abdominis thickness increase during low-abdominal hollowing. Physiother. Res. Int. 7: 65-75, 2002.
  10. Karst, GM, and Willett, GM. Effects of specific exercise instructions on abdominal muscle activity during trunk curl exercises. J. Orthop. Sports Phys. Ther. 34: 4-12, 2004.
  11. Lewis, CL, and Sahrmann, SA. Muscle activation and movement patterns during prone hip extension exercise in women. J. Athl Train. 44: 238-248, 2009.
  12. Vance, J, Wulf, G, Tollner, T, McNevin, N, and Mercer, J. EMG activity as a function of the performer’s focus of attention. J. Mot. Behav. 36: 450-459, 2004.
  13. Wakahara, T, Miyamoto, N, Sugisaki, N, Murata, K, Kanehisa, H, Kawakami, Y, Fukunaga, T, and Yanai, T. Association between regional differences in muscle activation in one session of resistance exercise and in muscle hypertrophy after resistance training. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 112: 1569-1576, 2012.
  14. Wakahara, T, Fukutani, A, Kawakami, Y, and Yanai, T. Nonuniform muscle hypertrophy: its relation to muscle activation in training session. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 45: 2158-2165, 2013.
  15. Schoenfeld, BJ, Vigotsky, A, Contreras, B, Golden, S, Alto, A, Larson, R, Winkelman, N, and Paoli, A. Differential effects of attentional focus strategies during long-term resistance training. Eur. J. Sport. Sci. 18: 705-712, 2018.

Pg 26-28 Why use a heart rate monitor?

  1. Jakicic J et al. (2016), Effect of wearable technology combined with a lifestyle intervention on long-term weight loss: the IDEA randomized clinical trial, JAMA, 316: 1,161. 10.1001/jama.2016.12858. Technology_Combined_With_a_Lifestyle_Intervention_on_Long-ter-m_ Weight_Loss_The_IDEA_Randomized_Clinical_Trial, accessed on 30 June 2020. 
  2. Kiessling B et al. (2016), FACSM. Move more, sit less, and be well: behavioral aspects of activity trackers. Health & Fitness Journal, doi: less_and_be_well 

Pg 30-33 Variability – The missing variable

  1. Stergiou N, Harbourne RT, Cavanaugh JT (2006), Optimal movement variability: A new theoretical perspective for neurologic physical therapy, Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 30: 120-129. 
  2. Bauer CM, Rast FM, Ernst MJ, Meichtry A, Kool J, Rissanen SM, Suni JH, Kankaanpää M (2017),The effect of muscle fatigue and low back pain on lumbar movement variability and complexity,Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 33: 94-102.
  3. Scholz JP, Schöner G, Latash ML (2000), Identifying the control structure of multijoint coordination during pistol shooting, Experimental Brain Research, 135(3): 382–404.
  4. Wagner H, Pfusterschmied J, Klous M, Serge PVD, Müller E (2012), Movement variability and skill level of various throwing techniques, Human Movement Science, 31: 78-90.
  5. Nakano N, Fukashiro S, Yoshioka S (2018), Variability of release parameters in basketball free throw, ISBS Proceedings Archive, 36(1): 32.
  6. Schöllhorn WI, Beckmann H, Davids K (2010), Exploiting system fluctuations. Differential training in physical prevention and rehabilitation programs for health and exercise, Medicina (Kaunas), 46(6): 365-373.