Magazine References
May – Jun 2020
Pg 08-11
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- Applyby P et al (2015), The long-term health of vegetarians and vegans, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 75: 287-293.
- Vermeulen S, Campbell B, Ingram J (2012), Climate change and food systems, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 37: 195-222.
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Pg 18-19
- Klika B, Jordan C (2013), High-intensity circuit training using body weight: Maximum results with minimal investment, ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, 17(3): 8-13.
- Henry RN, Anshel MH, Michael T (2006), Effects of aerobic and circuit training on fitness and body image among women, Journal of Sport Behavior, 29(4): 281.
- Chtara M, Chaouachi A, Levin GT, Chaouachi M, Chamari K, Amri M, Laursen PB (2008), Effect of concurrent endurance and circuit resistance training sequence on muscular strength and power development, The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 22(4): 1037-45.
- Paoli A, Pacelli QF, Moro T, Marcolin G, Neri M, Battaglia G, Sergi G, Bolzetta F, Bianco A (2013), Effects of high-intensity circuit training, low-intensity circuit training and endurance training on blood pressure and lipoproteins in middle-aged overweight men, Lipids in health and disease, 12(1): 131.
- Dean CM, Richards CL, Malouin F (2000), Task-related circuit training improves performance of locomotor tasks in chronic stroke: A randomized, controlled pilot trial, Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 81(4): 409-17.
Pg 20-22
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Further reading
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Pg 24-26
- Dill KE, Begalle RL, Frank BS, Zinder SM, Padua DA (2014), Altered knee and ankle kinematics during squatting in those with limited weight-bearing–lunge ankle-dorsiflexion range of motion, Journal of Athletic Training 49: 723.
- Charlton PC, Mentiplay BF, Pua YH, Clark RA (2015) Reliability and concurrent validity of a Smartphone, bubble inclinometer and motion analysis system for measurement of hip joint range of motion, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 18: 262-267.
- Doinn TÓ, Whyte E, O’Connor S, Downey M, McCaffrey N (2018), Reliability of smartphone goniometric measurements of the modified Thomas test using biofeedback stabilisation – a preliminary report, Mesentery and Peritoneum, 2:136.
- Hansberger BL, Loutsch R, Hancock C, Bonser R, Zeigel A, Baker RT (2019), Evaluating the relationship between clinical assessments of apparent hamstring tightness: a correlational analysis, International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 14: 253–63.
- Pourahmadi MR, Taghipour M, Jannati E, Mohseni-Bandpei MA, Takamjani IE, Rajabzadeh F (2016), Reliability and validity of an iPhone® application for the measurement of lumbar spine flexion and extension range of motion, PeerJ, 4: e2355.
- Ofcom (n.d.). UK: smartphone ownership by age from 2012-2019. In Statista – The Statistics Portal. Retrieved 18 June 2019, from”>Link, accessed on 14 May 2020.
- Spence A, Cushion E (2015), Determining reliability: A data collection guide for S&C practitioners, Professional Strength and Conditioning Journal, 36: 27-33.
- Novacheck TF (1998), The biomechanics of running, Gait and Posture, 7: 77-95.
- Taylor JB, Ford KR, Nguyen AD, Shultz SJ (2016), Biomechanical comparison of single-and double-leg jump landings in the sagittal and frontal plane, Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 4. doi: 2325967116655158.
- Swinton PA, Lloyd R, Keogh JW, Agouris I, Stewart AD (2012), A biomechanical comparison of the traditional squat, powerlifting squat, and box squat, The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26: 1805-16.
- Vigotsky AD, Lehman GJ, Beardsley C, Contreras B, Chung B, Feser EH (2016), The modified Thomas test is not a valid measure of hip extension unless pelvic tilt is controlled, PeerJ, 4: e2325.
- Moreside JM, McGill SM (2011), Quantifying normal 3D hip ROM in healthy young adult males with clinical and laboratory tools: hip mobility restrictions appear to be plane-specific, Clinical Biomechanics, 26: 824-29.
- Charlton PC, Mentiplay BF, Pua YH, Clark RA (2015), Reliability and concurrent validity of a Smartphone, bubble inclinometer and motion analysis system for measurement of hip joint range of motion, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 18: 262-67.
- Malliaras P, Hogan A, Nawrocki A, Crossley K, Schache A (2009), Hip flexibility and strength measures: reliability and association with athletic groin pain. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 43: 739-44.
- Carregaro RL, Coury HJCG (2009), Does reduced hamstring flexibility affect trunk and pelvic movement strategies during manual handling? International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 39: 115-20.
- Dill KE, Begalle RL, Frank BS, Zinder SM, Padua DA (2014), Altered knee and ankle kinematics during squatting in those with limited weight-bearing–lunge ankle-dorsiflexion range of motion, Journal of Athletic Training, 49: 723-32.
- Kim SH, Kwon OY, Park KN, Jeon IC, Weon JH (2015), Lower extremity strength and the range of motion in relation to squat depth, Journal of Human Kinetics, 45: 59-69.
- Škarabot J, Beardsley C, Štirn I (2015), Comparing the effects of self‐myofascial release with static stretching on ankle range‐of‐motion in adolescent clients, International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 10: 203-12.
- Howe LP, Bampouras TM, North J, Waldron M (2019), Ankle dorsiflexion range of motion is associated with kinematic but not kinetic variables related to bilateral drop-landing performance at various drop heights, Human Movement Science, 64: 320-28.
- Blackwood CB, Yuen TJ, Sangeorzan BJ, Ledoux WR (2005), The midtarsal joint locking mechanism, Foot and Ankle International, 26: 1074-80.
- Tiberio D, Bohannon RW, Zito MA (1989), Effect of subtalar joint position on the measurement of maximum ankle dorsiflexion, Clinical Biomechanics, 4: 189-91.
Pages 30-33
- SOS Rehydrate,, accessed on 14 May 2020.
- Russell S, Article on Hydration for people with an ileostomy, ConvaTec,, accessed on 14 May 2020.
- ASCN Clinical Nurse Guidelines (2016),, accessed on 14 May 2020.
- Russell S (2017), Physical activity and exercise after stoma surgery, British Journal of Nursing, 26(5),, accessed on 14 May 2020.
- Me+recovery from ConvaTec,, accessed on 14 May 2020.
- Russell S (2019), The Bowel Cancer Recovery Toolkit, available from Amazon.
- Squeezy App,, accessed on 14 May 2020.