When Adam Daniel suggested we ran a four-part series covering the fundamentals of business and how to truly grow one – we jumped at the chance.
Adam is a renowned and highly respected educator – he has a way of making education truly stick. Learn how to have a thriving career whilst building a successful and sustainable business.
Here are the four areas covered when discussing the fundamentals of business:
✅ Defining Your Purpose
✅ Building Your Business
✅ Getting and Keeping Clients
✅ Becoming a Client Centred Coach
Watch the webcast now! Or, if you’d prefer to listen in to the podcast – we have that for you too – listen now!
Adam Daniel is an accomplished sportsman, fitness entrepreneur and a Performance and Personal Impact Coach with an innate desire to see individuals, teams and businesses truly thrive. He has developed and delivered educational programmes for some of the world’s leading fitness brands, coached fitness professionals and industry leaders in over 20 countries and has led the educational teams for some of the most prestigious fitness industry names.
You can follow Adam on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and of course check out the second part of this business mastery series in Q2 ✅