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Dynamic Bodyweight Pilates

CPDs : 2

Welcome to the Dynamic Bodyweight Pilates course constructed by Neil Dimmock, head of fitness for Ten Health & Fitness.

The main objectives of this course are for learners to deliver a Dynamic Bodyweight Pilates (DBWP) class both safely and effectively. This includes structuring the environment and constructing a class suitable for a spectrum of varied client ability.

About DBWP

Dynamic Bodyweight Pilates has been designed for maximum flexibility, enabling it to be taught in as wide a variety of spaces and environments as possible.

Using many of the basic techniques and underlying approach of Pilates, DBWP incorporates elements and techniques from other programmes to make a classic workout more intense and effective. In this case, strength and conditioning, yoga, bodyweight and resistance training.

The course is underpinned by the MoveBetter approach from Ten Health & Fitness that focuses on form, technique and postural alignment, ensuring that we prioritise quality of movement rather than just intensity of effort.

It is ideal for multi-use gym environments as well as non-exercise spaces. It has been designed to require as few props as possible – a mat, a yoga block and a Pilates ring being the minimum. And with no specific space requirements, other than enough room for each participant to move freely and safely, DBWP can be taught anywhere – from gym floors and fitness studios, to rooftops, parks, offices and homes.

Suggested Pre-requisite:

  • CIMSPA: L3 Mat Pilates

Course outcomes

  • To be competent in delivering a DBWP class to a small group of varied client ability.
  • To understand the sequencing of exercises and structure of a DBWP class.
  • To be competent in delivering DBWP exercises with progressions and regressions.
  • To understand the watch points of each exercise, and why verbal, visual and tactile correction is necessary in delivering DBWP.

Author Bio

  • Neil Dimmock

    Neil Dimmock, head of fitness for Ten Health & Fitness, has worked within the fitness industry for more than 23 years. Neil has performed a variety of roles from fitness manager and studio owner, to the role he occupies now. In this role, he is responsible for overseeing the quality of class instruction across all of Ten's studios. Neil is also responsible for teacher training, both within the TenAcademy (the company's internal Dynamic Reformer Pilates training programme) and also as head of TenEducation (an accredited education resource that provides practical courses for external fitness professionals).