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Drug and Alcohol Recovery Fitness Specialist

CPDs : 6

If you want to work with people recovering from substance misuse, this course will show you how to choose appropriate assessments and create safe and effective programming to meet the unique needs of this population. Be able to support your clients through the immediate recovery (post-detox) phase and in the months or years that follow as a relapse prevention strategy. You’ll also gain strategies to apply this knowledge to grow your training business in all settings (in-patient, outpatient/halfway house and community).

Suggested Pre-requisite:

  • CIMSPA: L2 Gym / Group Ex

Learners will:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the pathophysiology of abuse of alcohol, opiates and stimulants, and co-morbidities which contribute to orthopaedic, physiological and psychological considerations when working with this population in the fitness/training setting.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the common movement compensations which may be seen in this population through all phases of recovery.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the nutritional considerations that may be relevant in this population, as well as how to collaborate with a registered dietician and physician regarding nutrition and exercise prescription.
  • Demonstrate understanding of all settings where this population may be encountered (inpatient, outpatient/halfway house, community) and how to create safe and effective programming in all settings.
  • Select appropriate fitness assessments and correctly identify the frequency of when assessments need to be conducted.
  • Create safe and effective programming based on the client’s individual needs, taking into consideration their history of substance abuse and other co-morbidities in the personal training setting.
  • Apply strategies to support their client through relapse prevention.
  • Apply knowledge to create a business plan to support this population.

Author Bio

  • Nicole Golden

    Nicole Golden has been a health/fitness professional since 2014 when she left the field of education to pursue a full-time career in fitness. Nicole holds a Master of Science degree from Concordia University Chicago in Applied Exercise Science with a concentration in Sports Nutrition. She is a NASM Master Trainer, CES, FNS, BCS, CSCS (NSCA) and AFAA certified group fitness instructor. Nicole is a sports nutritionist (CISSN) certified through the International Society of Sports Nutrition. She is the owner of FWF Wellness where she specializes in corrective exercise, nutrition coaching, and training special populations. She has a great deal of experience working with a wide variety of clients including female athletes, cancer survivors, older adults with medical comorbidities, and clients who have undergone bariatric surgery. She also has a special interest in coaching clients in recovery from substance use disorders and has coordinated and implemented fitness programs in and out of a local drug rehabilitation facility since 2016.

    She is the author of the Drug and Alcohol Recovery Fitness Specialist online course – the first course of its kind, providing fitness professionals the education required to work successfully with individuals in recovery from substance use disorders. Nicole enjoys spending time with her husband and five children when she is not training clients or teaching fitness classes.