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Online Event with Cherry Baker

CPDs : 1.5

SpineSafe Pilates

CPD POINTS : 0.5 CPD points

Course Description

  • If you teach Pilates, you will attract clients with various spinal conditions.
  • We will cover Pilates exercises and adaptations for stenosis, spondylolisthesis, disc bulge and osteoporosis.
  • Develop teaching skills to layer your instructions to adapt for various conditions whilst creating inclusion.
  • Creating confidence and reducing fear of movement in your Pilates class.

Aims and Objectives:

  • To increase teachers, exercise repertoire and provide adaptations for clients with various spinal conditions within your mainstream Pilates class.
  • Develop an understanding of health and safety concerns when instructing clients with spinal conditions.
  • To introduce SpineSafe Pilates for Spinecare Pilates teachers.
  • To develop teaching skills and up to date cueing.
  • To develop teachers understanding of legalities and the need for further training when working with clients who have spinal issues.

On completion of this workshop students will be able to:

  • Students will be able to understand the need to provide safe and effective adaptations for clients with various spinal conditions in a mainstream Pilates class.
  • Students will be able to give adaptations for clients with stenosis, spondylolisthesis, disc bulge and osteoporosis.
  • Students will understand the need for encouraging movement and developing client confidence.

Pregnancy Adaptations

CPD POINTS : 0.5 CPD points

Course description:

  • So, you’re teaching a Pilates class and a client tells you they are pregnant, do you know how to adapt exercises whilst keeping your non-pregnant clients happy and challenged?
  • This session will provide ideas and cover safety concerns to allow you to effectively adapt your session for a pregnant client in your mainstream Pilates class.
  • If you are a Pilates teacher, you may teach many female clients therefore some of them are going to get pregnant and may want to continue in your session!
  • You may not want to teach specific pregnancy classes but want to be able to give safe alternatives to your pregnant client, this class will help you to develop your skills and knowledge to provide relevant adaptations.

Aims and Objectives:

  • To increase teachers, exercise repertoire and provide adaptations for pregnant participant within your mainstream Pilates class.
  • Develop an understanding of health and safety concerns when instructing a pregnant participant.
  • To provide an introduction to Pilates and Pregnancy.
  • To develop teaching skills and up to date cueing.
  • To develop teachers understanding of legalities and insurance when working with this specialist population.

On completion of this workshop students will be able to:

  • Students will be able to understand the need to provide safe and effective adaptations for a pregnant participant in a mainstream Pilates class.
  • Students will be able to give adaptations for a pregnant participant in a mainstream Pilates class.

Dining Chair Pilates

CPD POINTS : 0.5 CPD points

Course description:

  • Dining Chair Pilates – add an additional challenge for your Pilates classes both face to face and ideal for your online classes.
  • please note this is not a traditional chair-based class for physically challenged, it is for your mainstream participant.
  • Do you teach online classes?
  • Do you teach in a studio with chairs available?
  • This session can add effective variations on your traditional mat-based Pilates class.
  • A whole new class to add variety and effectiveness to your Pilates repertoire.
  • If your tired of teaching same thing this is an inspiring class and can provide you with adaptations for when clients can’t get up and down to the floor.
  • The class will provide adaptations for the common issues that arrive in our Pilates class such as hip replacements, back issues, and osteoporosis.
  • The class will provide both standing and seated exercise using the dining chair.

Aims and objectives of course:

  • To add variety to mainstream Pilates classes with household equipment.
  • To increase teachers, exercise repertoire.
  • Develop an understanding of various sling system exercises.
  • To develop an ability to give safe and effective seated exercise alternatives for clients who can’t get to the floor in your Pilates class.
  • To develop teaching skills and up to date cuing.

On completion of this workshop students will be able to:

  • Students will be able to deliver a safe, effective, and motivational Pilates class using a dining chair.
  • Students will be able to give adaptations and chair-based alternatives for clients who can’t get up and down to the floor.
  • Students will be able to give adaptations for clients common conditions or issues that often arrive in their Pilates class.

Suggested Pre-requisite:

  • CIMSPA: L3 Mat Pilates

Author Bio

  • Cherry Baker

    Cherry Baker has been working in the field of fitness for more than 37 years. For the past 20 of these years, she has worked in rehabilitation, getting clients moving again. Cherry hopes to share her experiences from a fitness professional’s point of view. Many clients can’t afford one-to-one or to continue with physiotherapy once they start to recover, so this workshop will be useful, not only for one-to-one clients but in class situations when you can adapt or modify moves to suit a client’s recovery.