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Move to the Beat

REPS India : 3

Welcome to the Move to the Beat course constructed by award-winning fitness presenters, Maria Teresa Stone and Marietta Mehanni.

Maria Teresa and Marietta have delivered face-to-face workshops for many years and have seen how many group fitness instructors struggle to find the beat of the music and understand the structure of music.

This online course has been designed to help you understand the important role that music plays in group fitness, empower you to use it to your advantage in class and help you find the beat so you are never off-beat again.

Suggested Pre-requisite:

  • REPS India: Group Ex

Course aims and objectives

  • Be able to listen to music and work out the beat per minute
  • Understand how music is structured in regards to 8 beats per phrase and 4 phrases per block (32 counts)
  • Identify where the start of block is in music and how to identify the individual phrases
  • Understand how to map music to provide a visual context of the format of a music track

Author bio

Award-winning fitness presenters, Maria Teresa Stone and Marietta Mehanni have a combined 50 years of experience in the group exercise industry.

Together they created MY GROUP MOVE an online platform that provides education and support to group fitness instructors, and runs GX DAY, a live workshop all across New Zealand and Australia.

Marietta Mehanni is a well-known international presenter. She is the 2019 winner of Monash’s ‘Outstanding Contribution to the Industry’, Australian fitness presenter of 2018 and 2016 NZ Educator of the Year. She is an expert in developing fun exercise formats that are suitable for all ages and abilities

Maria Teresa has been teaching group fitness since 1996. She is a Zumba Education Specialist and helped launch the global phenomenon Zumba program in New Zealand and Australia in 2009. In 2016 she was inducted to the Roll of Honour by Fitness Australia for her contribution to the fitness industry in Australia.