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Coaching Clients in Pain: A 4-part framework

CPDs : 1.5

From the moment your client walks through your door... until right before their biomechanical analysis begins - that's the Yellow Brick Road.

The Yellow Brick Road’s entire focus is on what transpires BEFORE the movement coach takes his or her client onto the assessment and exercise floor; the non-movement, interpersonal aspects of coaching and what’s involved in working with the chronic pain demographic. It’s a 4-part framework that synthesizes:

  • psychological theory
  • pain neuroscience
  • interpersonal relationship building principles
  • client-centred coaching essentials

Integrating the movement and coaching realm is a complex, sophisticated process. This online curriculum provides a platform for each coach to seek & understand the narrative behind each client’s psychosocial stressors and provide them with an emotionally safe environment, so when it comes time for the biomechanical analysis, a truly 3-dimensional biopsychosocial experience takes place for each client. The Yellow Brick Road provides coaches a system for going beyond the biomechanical realm of influence, towards uncovering each clients’ internal problems; those areas of life that hold the most meaning which have been negatively impacted by chronic pain.

This course is about how to coach clients who are experiencing pain. Creating pain-free transformations is not a random sequence of events. Instead, the genesis of change involves integrating biomechanical & anatomical factors with psychological & environmental considerations.

The Yellow Brick Road will have you understanding why your clients are in pain, have you feeling enormously confident during the client intake process, and knowing precisely what to do with clients who have seemingly lost hope and ‘tried everything’.

Suggested Pre-requisite:

  • CIMSPA: L3 Personal Trainer

Aims and objectives of course:

  • Present a unified, scientifically oriented framework focusing on biological, psychological and environmental factors involved in safely and successfully coaching clients in pain.
  • Identify the theory and principles associated with Needs Psychology.
  • Outline the biopsychosocial model and its three-dimensional influence, with an emphasis the psycho-social aspects as it relates to clients in pain.
  • Provide in-depth analysis into the Yellow Brick Road’s ‘5 Dimensions of Relationship Building’ and the interpersonal aspects involved in creating a mutually trusting one-on-one coaching environment.
  • Introduce the 4-steps involved in helping clients create new and empowering scripts of possibility, referred as the Yellow Brick Road’s ‘Possibilities Paradigm’.

Author Bios

Kevin Murray, M.A., CAFS, CPT

Kevin Murray holds a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology and is the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology’s (2012) Certified Personal Trainer of the Year. He is the founder of Movement Masterminds, Director of Education for Function First, creator of the Yellow Brick Road and co-developer of the Pain-Free Movement Specialist certification. Previous to his role with Movement Masterminds and Function First, Kevin was an associate teacher for Anatomy Trains and sessional instructor at Canada’s largest polytechnic, postsecondary institute in the Health Sciences department teaching biomechanics. Kevin has provided educational insights for multiple organizations, along with being a featured author in Fitness Informer magazine, the American Council on Exercise, the National Post, Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald, Vancouver Sun, Ottawa Citizen, Regina Leader-Post, Saskatoon Star Phoenix, and the Montreal Gazette.

Anthony Carey, M.A. MES, CSCS

Anthony Carey, holds a Master’s degree in biomechanics and athletic training and is the inventor of the Core-Tex™. Anthony is recognized internationally as a leading expert in biomechanics, corrective exercise, functional anatomy and motor control. He was named Personal Fitness Professional Magazine’s 2009 Personal Trainer of the Year and has received recognition for his work in the national media, including the New York Times, Time Magazine and Oprah’s “O” Magazine.
Anthony has authored two best-selling books: The Pain-Free Program: A Proven Method to Relieve Back, Neck, Shoulders and Joint Pain and Relationship and Referrals: A Personal Trainer’s Guide to Doing Business with the Medical Community, and consults for the San Diego Chargers as well as some of the largest equipment manufacturers and health clubs in the world.