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We’re looking for the very best to join our social circle and help us lead the campaign to raise standards in fitness education.

Have you worked hard to gain your qualifications, build client relationships and your business? Is your social following based on respect and trust, not just great poses and filters? Do you want your voice to be heard and help FitPro lead the campaign to raise industry standards?

If you’ve answered yes, you may be the person we’re looking for. In 2020, FitPro will be celebrating its 30th anniversary. To mark this event, we want to remind our members and the world beyond about our core values, and we want the best in the industry to join us in sharing the story to a wider audience.

We believe that qualifications are more important than numbers of followers on Instagram. We value education and learning, and the sharing of knowledge both on and offline. Social media networks are recognising that they need to act responsibly and with integrity, and we’re happy to hear that Instagram is now experimenting with being less about ‘likes’ and comparison, and more about sharing great content. But more needs to be done.

According to researchers at the University of Glasgow, influencers who present opinion as fact are not meeting UK nutritional guidelines, and eight times out of nine they were found to be giving out advice that couldn’t be considered credible. The study, which looked at influencers with 80,000 or more followers on one or more social media sites, has led many in the industry to call for action to make social media networks more accountable, and as professionals to raise our own standards.

We’re looking for five fitness professionals with integrity, who value their position and are passionate about making a positive impact, to join our social circle and campaign with us to promote authentic, expert-driven fitness advice both on and offline. If this might be you, CLICK HERE TO APPLY.