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Do we all need to be sugar-free?  Do we need sugar at all in our diets?

Registered dietitian Linia Patel explores the types of sugar that adults and children are eating too much of, i.e., free sugar, and outlines how you should be examining food labels correctly. She then explains exactly why sugar is used in food and why too much sugar is no good.

Chronic diseases are not caused by one food group or nutrient alone, but rather a range of lifestyle and genetic factors. Listen to this week’s podcast to find out what doesn’t count as free sugar and how our body responds to it. Linia will also inform listeners on the everyday targets we should all be aiming for.

Do you feel equipped to inform your clients about the various types of sugar? Is honey healthier than sugar? Which sugar doesn’t strike blood sugar levels?

We would love to hear your views and your sugar habits; share them with us today at Do you have a question for us? Drop us a line and we will do our best to respond.


Linia Patel Podcast Free Sugar

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